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Conservative Principles
We support:

FREEDOM- Freedom is God-given, affirmed by our Founding Fathers, articulated in the Declaration of Independence, and protected by the Constitution.

QUALITY EDUCATION- An educational system that prepares children to think critically, analyze and make decisions. Education is the bedrock of freedom and the gateway to opportunity.

LIMITED GOVERNMENT- Government’s role is defined by the Constitution. Government should not try to be all things to all people.

STRONG FAMILIES- Families intent on giving their children the hope of a better tomorrow, the promise of a safe and secure today, and an appreciation and respect of yesterday.

OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL- The opportunity to chart one’s course, start a business, chase a dream, or build a life regardless of gender, race, or religion.

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PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP- Principled leaders with an understanding of Texas’ heritage and a clear vision for Texas’ future. Leadership that is unwavering in the face of criticism, steadfast when confronted with adversity, and committed to building a better State.

HONEST COMPASSION- A society assisting those in need rather than a government trying to solve every problem by just throwing more money at it.

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY- Individuals taking personal responsibility for their own actions and a criminal justice system based on this idea. With freedom comes responsibility.

RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM- The entrepreneurial spirit of the individual that continues to solidify Texas as a world economic power