Run for Office
A party/government is only as strong as the people who step up and give their time, talent, and treasure to standing up for what they believe in to best represent We The People.
Finding principled, effective, conservative leaders is critical to the future of Texas.
You want to make a difference? Do you have good ideas about how to make your country, state, city, or neighborhood better? Do you say to yourself, “Gee, I wish my town council / mayor / state representative / congressman would _______________” ?
Stop waiting for a white knight to come along.
Too many people sit on the sidelines shaking their heads at professional politicians and spend their time waiting for a white knight to come and save the day. What folks don’t realize is that, in all but the rarest circumstances, there is no white knight to come along and champion your issues, get the bills you care about passed, and get your town / county / state / country cleaned up an on the right track. But fear not, because…
You can be the hero of Hamilton County’s story.
That’s right. YOU. Not some outsider who gallops in to make things right. You can be the hero of your own story, and of your town’s (or state’s, or nation’s) story. You can champion the issues that matter, end injustices, and get things on the right track.
The best way to step up… is to throw your hat into the ring and run for office.
What are you waiting for?
Whether it’s at the federal, state, or county levels, or even for nonpartisan city council or school board positions, we can help you with your campaign planning.
How to apply?
Applications for a place on the Republican Party primary ballot may be filed in person at the following below address between November 11, 2023 and December 11, 2023 by 6pm. Please contact Lucas Robinson at 307-640-2262 or email: to coordinate all candidate filings.
Address to file in person:
814 E. White Street Hamilton, TX 76531
Contact our Chairman:
Lucas Robinson